9 Apr 2014

Challenge #153 - "Easter Time"

Good Morning Fellow Paper Shelter Followers, well as its only a week away now to Easter what better time to make those last minute cards so this weeks theme is "Easter Time" and if your like me you have several little people who love to receive them I am sure you will find some in your family who love to receive them to.
But before I tell you my news you will want to know who won last weeks "Buttons" themed Challenge and that lucky person picked by random org is

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-08 20:05:55 GMT

Well done Aurora and congratulations and we now have a quicker method
of collecting your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact Tab" at the
Top on the Tabs Bar it will give you a form to fill up with your choice
3 digi images and can you make sure you put Challenge #152 in the subject bar
 and please also dont forget to add your email address to make it easier
                         for Veronica to sort out your images and get them to you quickly.

As always we are being sponsored by Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter and they are offering a fabulous prize of $30. to spend on their website


and if you have used one of The Paper Shelter images on your card you will automatically receive the whole $30 to spend but even if you havent they will still offer you 3 digi images of your own choice. And also we have another special treat for you if you have used one of our images on your card and you are not picked as a winner you to will still benefit from this following Voucher please read it through carefully as it will then be self explanatory.  You must email in with your entry Number to qualify to receive it, you will find that in the contact Tab at the top.


And now for my news, firstly I have our very special Guest Design Lorraine joining us for the next month, its always a treat to have her on my team, and I want you all to welcome her back and to thank her again for standing in for Judith who has taken a month out and you might ask why? Well she has just retired and her dear hubby is taking her travelling to celebrate this, Lucky Girl, have fun Judith and come back in May with a new lease of life. The next bit of my news is rather sad as you already know that Eileen has left my Team but today I have a further piece of sad news Carol one of my long standing Team members has had to step down due to her Cake Designing Business suddenly take of, so I want to wish both Girls all the Best for the coming future. And now to cheer us up I have some very happy news Nikki is joining my Team today with her first Challenge Card and I do want to wish her a very warm welcome to the Team and sincerely hope she enjoys herself while she is with us.
At at long last its time to show you what my Girls have been upto, we start with

Can you see a theme going through these cards? It looks like a rabbit explosion, well what do you expect at "Easter Time" which is our theme for this weeks Challenge. Well done girls your cards are stunning and I do hope that theyve inspired you to take part in this weeks Challenge.

Please enter your card or project below

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

6 comentarios:

Colette said...

Way to go Team A, fab selection of Easter cards, great inspiration, hugs, Colette xx

Cards By MI said...

A really Lovely Collection of cards. Really fabby work.
Good luck Carol and Eileen. All the best for your fun adventure Judith!
Love n hugs

Andrea W said...

Delightful Easter inspiration! Thanks for the fun challenge.

Wendy said...

Your Design Team samples are super cute. Thank you for the "Easter time" challenge. It was fun to play!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous creations!! I love all of the images that were used!! Fantastic artwork from everyone!! Congrats to Aurora!!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

Cheryl said...

Just found your store through the Corrosive Challenge Blog. Your images are absolutely gorgeous and so full of innocent sweetness! I've never seen anything like these. And, thanks for sharing your process in designing them. It was fun to learn about it. I hope, one day, you'll come out with a line of rubber stamps, too! I'll be back later today to do a little shopping! ;)