23 Feb 2011

Challenge #2 Seeing Red

Welcome back to a brand new challenge at The Paper Shelter!  The whole gang would like to extend an excited and emphatic "thank you" for playing along last week.  We had a great time marveling over the fabulous entries that were submitted.  It is such a relief that the winner is chosen randomly, because we would have been in a quandary if we had to pick our favorites.  Wonderful work, everybody!

...AND, without further delay...the winner is...entry number 16!!!

True Random Number Generator  16Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Lucky number 16 belongs to 
Donna Doodles!
  Donna, please email me using the button in the sidebar to collect your prize!

Now, who's ready for another challenge?  This week, the design team is asking you to See Red.  We are looking for cards focusing on that exciting and vibrant color that has long been used to symbolize a variety of emotions and qualities.  Grab you red pens, papers, embellishments and show us what red means to you.  If your card features a Paper Shelter image, you may be randomly selected to win a $15 gift certificate to spend in The Paper Shelter shop.  What a great prize!  The Paper Shelter images are whimsical, fun, and just plain beautiful.  There are so many unique designs, you are sure to find everything to meet your paper crafting needs.   

Take a look at what the Design Team has created just for you!  Their work is inspiring and guaranteed to get your creative juices flowing!

Let's see what you've got!  Load your red themed creations here!

16 Feb 2011

Challenge #1 Buttons and Bows

Hello, everyone!  Welcome to the inaugural challenge of The Paper Shelter!  If you're not familiar with this company, you are in for a surprise.  Their images are whimsical and fun; perfect for all tastes and versatile enough for all of your papercrafting needs, whether it's cardmaking, scrapbooking, or mixed media.  Tell your friends about it!

The Paper Shelter Design Team is happy to present our first challenge and we are asking you to create cards using Buttons and Bows.  Think outside the box and use patterned papers, die cuts, punches, images, and/or embellishments featuring Buttons and Bows.  We are excited to see your creations!  If your card features a Paper Shelter image, you may be randomly selected to win a $15 gift certificate to spend in the Paper Shelter shop.  Somebody has to win and it might be you, but you have to enter to play!

We have a fabulous Design Team and their skills really make these images sing.  Here are a few amazing creations to get your creative wheels turning.  

WOW!  Aren't those fantastic!  Now, let's see YOUR creations!


8 Feb 2011


Guess What Everyone, we're going to start a new challenge blog right here at The Paper Shelter on Feb 16th. It will be a weekly challenge blog held every Wednesday, so I do hope you will join us. We've got an amazing Design Team that will be creating cards that I hope will give you great ideas and inspire you.

I'm just in the process of setting up the blog and creating some badges for the winner's and the Design Team is busy creating their cards for the first challenge.

So mark your calendars for Feb 16th then head on over here and check out the brand new challenge blog.

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