19 Dec 2012

Challenge #93 - "Anything Goes" and Blog Hop Results

Good Morning All, well not long now to Christmas Day I hope your all ready for it but before then Im sure you will want to know how our Blog Hop went, but first I want to thank all the Girls for all their hard work making it a outstanding success and then I want to thank all of you who took part in it, leaving such wonderful comments, and I know our sponsors were really thrilled at the response so Thank You Again, and here are the winners and to claim your prize you will need to click on the email elf in the left hand bar and it will give you the email address you need to contact to receive your prize.

Well done Girls I sincerely hope you enjoy playing with your images and maybe you will use them to take part in this weeks "Anything Goes" Challenge, and before I go any further you will also want to know who won the "Two of Anything" Challenge went, and that lucky person picked by Random Org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-12-18 20:01:15 GMT

Well done and congratulations Mian if you click on the email 
elf in the left hand bar it will give you the email address you 
need to contact to receive your prize of 3 digi images.

And this weeks Challenge is going to be the last till the 9th of January as we feel it would be a good thing to give the girls a break and time to not only spend time with their families but also to recoup their energies ready for the New Year. I have already said that its a "Anything Goes" Challenge and I know its a real favourite of all of us so theres likely to be a big entry for it and in this instance there will be no comments left so please dont think we dont appreciate you taking part but we really are going to take a break from that to.

As always our very generous sponsors are Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter and they are offering a fabulous prize of $30. 

to spend on their website, and if you go and visit now you will have the chance of buying all their Christmas Images and Papers at a reduced prize, so now is the perfect time for you to stock up with them while they are such brilliant value. Dont forget if you use one of their products on your card you will receive the whole prize of $30. but even if you dont you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice.
And now weve reached the point that I love and enjoy and we are lucky this time to have not only two Guest Designers but Marie (B Team Leader) also joining us, and I do so want you to take time to visit all the girls and leave them some love, not only to wish them a Very Happy Christmas but also to thank them for all their hard work for you during this Year.

Now that youve seen what stunning cards the girls have created for your inspiration I do hope that you will now take part in our "Anything Goes" Challenge. I also want to apologise for the length of this post and the very last thing is I want to Wish You All A Very Happy Christmas and Im looking forward to seeing you all back here on the 9th of January with a brand new challenge.   Hugs Shirley, Marie and Girlsxxxxx

5 Dec 2012

Blog Hop - Challenge - "Two of Anything"

Good Morning Everyone, well today we are going to do something entirely different from our usual weekly Challenges we are hosting a Blog Hop with all the Design Team members taking part and it will last Two weeks instead of One, this is because in two days time Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter will be celebrating their 2nd Birthday, and as usual they are generously offering lots of prizes.

Not only are they offering the usual $30. Gift Voucher and as always this is providing you have used one of their products on your card, for the Challenge, but also 1 digi image for each of the stops on the Blog Hop, and that my friend is 18 chances of winning a digi image of your own choice, I think you will love what my fellow Team Members have created for you and I know you will want to leave them a comment, and its from these that they will pick a winner so its upto you to visit each and everyone of them for that chance.
But before I do that you will want to know who won last weeks "Christmas is Coming" Challenge, and what a fabulous response we had for it to there was almost 200 entries, and that lucky person chosen by random org is :-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-12-04 20:03:56 UTC

Well done and congratulations Mary if you click on the email 
elf in the left hand bar it will give you the email address
you need to contact for your prize of $30. as you used a TPS 
image on your Card.

Its been a wonderful journey working with The Paper Shelter over the past 2 years and they have given us such stunning and beautiful images to play with, and this is our way of thanking them for being such fabulous sponsors.
Both Marie and I have enjoyed running the Challenge Blog and looking after both Teams and I do hope you have enjoyed seeing what stunning work the girls have done with their images, papers and printables. I also want to say that two of the girls were unable to take part due to personal reasons so I want to send my love to Shirin and Tracey and hope that their present circumstances soon improve.
And now I will give you the list of all those taking part, I know its a long list and this is the reason why its being held over two weeks, you dont necessarily need to visit them all in one go but do try to get around as many as you can as it increases the chances of winning one of the prizes. And to start the Blog Hop is myself

And now to wet your appetite I will show you Marie's and my Card just to get you in the mood.

I do hope that you enjoy this Blog Hop and come back on the 19th December to see who the lucky winners are, Im sure you will love the cards as Ive been lucky to see what beautiful ones the girls have made. And before I go Marie and I want not only to thank Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter for giving us such wonderful creations to play with and to wish them a very Happy 2nd Birthday, but also both of us want to thank all the girls for all their hard work in getting their cards made ready for this event.
And dont forget there is still the "Two of Anything" Challenge being held and I do hope you will be inspired by the cards the girls have made and take part in it, and now to launch the Blog Hop you will need to visit the first stop Shirley.

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