30 Apr 2014

Challenge 156 - Use that ribbon!

Good morning and welcome to a new challenge here over at the Paper Shelter. This week's theme is

Use that ribbon!
(NOT twine, string, lace or anything like that)

Plain and simple use a ribbon somewhere on your creation. Tie a bow or don't, just as long as we see a real ribbon on your creation. Nice and easy I hope.

Challenge prize badge

It was really nice to see so many wonderful cards for the boys around you. You are a fabby creative bunch! Of course you would like to know how our winner is for this challenge, right? Mr Random has done his magic once again and picked number # 72, Cindy over at "In love with paper" as his winner!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-29 19:50:03 UTC

Congratulations! You have won 3 digi's of your choice. Use the contact tab above to get in touch with  the Paper Shelter and Veronica will help sort your winnings out. Please write that you are the winner of  "TPS challenge 155" somewhere in your mail. You have until Saturday to claim your prize. 

As always we have a gift voucher worth $30 up for grabs if you play with any TPS product. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three (3) digis of your choice. Isn't that just great? 

Just as always the team has been doing some fabby creations. I adore each and everyone of them. Do please go and visit my very creative teamies. You will be spoiled for inspiration on each and every single one of their blogs. Then come back and play with us.

Love n hugs
Marie and the fabby B-team

The Outside...

And the Inside

23 Apr 2014

Challenge #155 - "For the Boys"

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers, I hope you've all had a wonderful Easter, the weather here in the UK was very strange we had a couple of beautiful days and then horrid wet ones with thunder as well, but on the whole we did enjoy the weekend. This week the Challenge is for you to create a card "For the Boys" in your life so now is the right time to start looking for the appropriate design and image for your card.
But before we do that you will want to know who won last weeks "Spring is Here" Challenge and the lucky person picked by random org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-22 20:04:41GMT

Well done Blueboreale and congratulations and we now have a quicker method
of collecting your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact Tab" at the
Top on the Tabs Bar it will give you a form to fill up with your choice
3 digi images and can you make sure you put Challenge #154 in the subject bar
 and please also dont forget to add your email address to make it easier
                         for Veronica to sort out your images and get them to you quickly.

And as always our sponsors are Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter and they are offering a fabulous prize of $30 to spend on their website.


But this is providing you have used one of their products on your card and that could be either a image, backing paper or printable and you will find them here on The Paper Shelter website, and even if you havent you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice, so you really cannot loose can you.
And now I have some more sad news to tell you, our very long standing Design Team member Carol has had to step down and this is because her Cake Decorating business has really taken of and she couldnt find the time she wanted for her DT work, so we all want to wish her all the very best in her new business adventure and Im sure you will still see her work either on Facebook or even on her blog. And to take her place on the Team we have been lucky to have a very talented Lady join us and that is Marianne and we want to welcome her and I sincerely hope that you will pay her blog "Cards by Marianne" a visit and leave some of your very wonderful love you extend to us.
As usual this is the part of the Challenge Post I love the best and that is to show you what the Girls have been up to, this week they have excelled we have some really "Fabulous" male cards to show you and I do want to thank them all so much for all their hard work as without you I just wouldnt have such a brilliant Team.

Well you must agree they really are fabulous "For the Boys" cards and Im sure they will have inspired you to take part in this weeks Challenge so I look forward to seeing your cards in the next few days.

16 Apr 2014

Challenge # 154 - Spring is here

A warm welcome back to us here at the Shelter. We have had a cold night here in Sweden with minus degrees again. Brrr! Still we have the theme set to

Spring is here!
(Anything spring like Easter, pastel colours, flowers etc)

Challenge prize badge

You for sure liked Shirleys Easter Challenge, so lets hope that you fancy this challenge too. We had a great bunch of entries the last week so a big thank you for that. I am sure you are dieing to know who our lucky winner is this time, right? Don't forget that ALL OF YOU WHO USED A TPS IMAGE in this EASTER challenge has 20% discount if you email Veronica with your entry number. Ok, back to Mr Random who has picked lucky Number # 39, Wendy

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 19:05:51 UTC

Congratulations! You have won 3 digi's of your choice. Use the contact tab above to get in touch with  the Paper Shelter and Veronica will help sort your winnings out. Please write that you are the winner of  "TPS challenge 153" somewhere in your mail. You have until Saturday to claim your prize. 

As always we have a gift voucher worth $30 up for grabs if you play with any TPS product. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three (3) digis of your choice. Isn't that just great? It's so many wonderful images to choose from and this week Veronica added a new digi called Vintage Tea Cups. A very lovely image that I can't wait to use. 

As always my team has been a really treasure. Some fantastic spring inspiration for you all to look at and then start creating. There is some fabby cards here that would spread a smile on anyones face if they found a card or two of these in their mail box. I hope you'll be joining us and we can't wait to come and watch what you have came up with. 

Love n hugs
Marie and the B-team

9 Apr 2014

Challenge #153 - "Easter Time"

Good Morning Fellow Paper Shelter Followers, well as its only a week away now to Easter what better time to make those last minute cards so this weeks theme is "Easter Time" and if your like me you have several little people who love to receive them I am sure you will find some in your family who love to receive them to.
But before I tell you my news you will want to know who won last weeks "Buttons" themed Challenge and that lucky person picked by random org is

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-08 20:05:55 GMT

Well done Aurora and congratulations and we now have a quicker method
of collecting your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact Tab" at the
Top on the Tabs Bar it will give you a form to fill up with your choice
3 digi images and can you make sure you put Challenge #152 in the subject bar
 and please also dont forget to add your email address to make it easier
                         for Veronica to sort out your images and get them to you quickly.

As always we are being sponsored by Veronica and Pedro of The Paper Shelter and they are offering a fabulous prize of $30. to spend on their website


and if you have used one of The Paper Shelter images on your card you will automatically receive the whole $30 to spend but even if you havent they will still offer you 3 digi images of your own choice. And also we have another special treat for you if you have used one of our images on your card and you are not picked as a winner you to will still benefit from this following Voucher please read it through carefully as it will then be self explanatory.  You must email in with your entry Number to qualify to receive it, you will find that in the contact Tab at the top.


And now for my news, firstly I have our very special Guest Design Lorraine joining us for the next month, its always a treat to have her on my team, and I want you all to welcome her back and to thank her again for standing in for Judith who has taken a month out and you might ask why? Well she has just retired and her dear hubby is taking her travelling to celebrate this, Lucky Girl, have fun Judith and come back in May with a new lease of life. The next bit of my news is rather sad as you already know that Eileen has left my Team but today I have a further piece of sad news Carol one of my long standing Team members has had to step down due to her Cake Designing Business suddenly take of, so I want to wish both Girls all the Best for the coming future. And now to cheer us up I have some very happy news Nikki is joining my Team today with her first Challenge Card and I do want to wish her a very warm welcome to the Team and sincerely hope she enjoys herself while she is with us.
At at long last its time to show you what my Girls have been upto, we start with

Can you see a theme going through these cards? It looks like a rabbit explosion, well what do you expect at "Easter Time" which is our theme for this weeks Challenge. Well done girls your cards are stunning and I do hope that theyve inspired you to take part in this weeks Challenge.

2 Apr 2014

Challenge # 152 - Buttons

Morning everyone! Welcome to a brand new challenge with us here over at the Paper Shelter and this is a special moment. This is our first challenge with our brand new B-team and this is of course something we would like to celebrate with all of you. But first let me tell you about our challenge theme of the week. This one is a rerun of our first challenge ever.

(We like to see at least one real button on your creation)

And now to our very special celebration. To welcome our new team members to the team we have an extra treat for our winner. And this week all who uses a TPS image in our challenge is a winner as you get a 20% off on your next purchase in the Paper Shelter Store. To claim you 20% off send an e-mail to Veronica over at the Paper Shelter with your entry number in it and she make sure you get the discount. Almost too good to be true right?! Of cours our winner of our Button challenge will get the discount as well, if she / he has used a TPS image. That is 20% more of the lovely TPS images.

As lovely as it is to welcome new team members it also comes with a sad good bye. With this we say good bye to the lovely Merkari who has done a wonderful job for us here over at the Shelter. It has been a joy to have you on the team and to work with you. You and your lovely creations will be missed. We hope to see you drop by from time to time. All the best in your future crafting adventures!

Challenge prize badge

I almost forgot, we need a winner from all those wonderful spring creations from last week. We had a great collection of entries and many was really fabby. So who is our wonderful winner of the week then? Well, Mr Random has chosen entry number # 64, Cinderella  as his lucky number. 

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2014-04-01 20:57:43 UTC

Congratulations!  You have won 3 digi's of your choice. Use the contact tab above to get in touch with  the Paper Shelter and Veronica will help sort your winnings out. Please write that you are the winner of  "TPS challenge 151" somewhere in your mail. You have until Saturday to claim your prize. 

As always we have a gift voucher worth $30 up for grabs if you play with any TPS product. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three (3) digis of your choice. Also don't forget the 20% you get as a discount playing with our images this week. Applies to ALL that enter our challenge this week with a Paper Shelter image!

So joining us from this week is Colette, Carolyn, Vannessa and Nikki A. We are so glad to have you on board and I am so glad to have a complete team again. Take a look at our fabby button inspiration and give all of our wonderful designers so love. They have done a smashing job this week!

Love n hugs

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