22 Feb 2017

Challenge 282 - Boys are back in town

Morning and hello! Hope you're having a great week and that the sun is shining on you where ever you are. In my part of the world it's a bit of both; a little sunshine, a little rain and a bit clowdy. Well, but it is a perfect weather to stay inside and do some crafting. And since the Paper Shelter have made quite a few new male images are we going for the theme of "Boys are back" in town this week. It shouldn't be any problems creating for a young lad, an old friend or what you come up with. You know you will need these male cards from time to time don't you?

Boys are back in town
A card for a male

Please do check our rules before entering your card. They are just a few and very simple. 

Our lucky winner from our last challenge is picked by Mr Random. 
And the winner of the week is 

Number  17, AJ

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2017-02-21 21:45:55 UTC


Congrats, you have won three digis of your choise. Use the contact tab above to get in touch with the Paper Shelter and Veronica will help sort out your winnings. In the subject line please write "Winner TPS Challenge 281 ". You have until Saturday during the current challenge to claim your prize.

As always we have a gift voucher up worth $30 when you play with the Paper Shelter brand. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning 3 digis of your choice.

Another week with some fantastic inspiration from the team. Well, it looks like the team have decided to show case one image. It was nothing planned like that but it's one of the newer ones and it is a great image. At least your getting many ways of using this image and there is a few others used as well.

As always, please do visit the teamies and leave them some love. Just as you they love getting feed back on their creations.

Love n hugs
Marie and the team

Marie using Businessman

Colette using

Bonnie using

Pauline using

Amy using Businessman

Lena using Casual Boy

15 Feb 2017

Challenge #281 - Be My Valentine

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers, Happy Valentines Day to you all for yesterday, I know I'm a day late but I thought you might like to still make a special Card for that very special person in your life so today's theme is

"Be My Valentine"

 I do hope you will forgive me for being a day late, its a theme that we find we love and so Im sure you wont mind me getting my dates mixed up, and yes I nearly forgot yesterday it was a good thing that I had made the card I'm posting for this Challenge as it was the one I gave my hubby, his way of explaining when seeing the image was "I guess your the 1920's flapper girl and I'm the old twit in the background" not quite what I was expecting but never mind he loved it.
Anyway before I show you what the girls have created for you you will want to know who won last weeks "For a Special Moment" Challenge was, and here is the result and the lucky person chosen by Random Org is:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2017-02-14 20:54:46 GMT

Congratulations Teresa and well done,  and we now have a quicker way for you
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at thetop of the Blog where you will find a form that you can add your choice of  
$30 worth of digi's
please can you also add you email address and Challenge #290 in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.

And here is Teresa's Card

I would like to say a very big thank you to all of you who are now using our images regularly on your cards they really do give us such happiness to see your interpretation of them and I know that Veronica is thrilled to see them to, so do keep it up because a lot more of you are winning the big prize these days and as you know they are offering a fabulous prize of $30.00 to spend on their website The Paper Shelter

and believe me when I tell you they have such a fabulous selection of not only Images, but Papers and Printable's to choose from, also they often have special offers too especially their latest images which are often sold at a reduced price. But even if you have not used one of their products on your card they will still give you 3 digi's of your own choice, so you really cannot loose can you? But Please be aware that you are only allowed to enter 3 cards in this Challenge and one of these must carry one of our products. The girls have really done a wonderful job on their cards this week and Im sure you will be delighted and thrilled when you see them.

Using: Si Belle!

Using: Valentina

                                                                     Using Valentina

                                                                        Using Fair day

                                                                   Using You Have Mail

                                                               Using Hilarious Cupid

Using True Love

Using Si Belle! (precoloured + background)

I am always so unprepared for the stunning cards the girls create and they blow me away when I come to add them to the Challenge post, and Ive a feeling today's cards may do the same for you, but I also hope they will have inspired you to take part in this "Be My Valentine" Challenge and we look forward to seeing your cards and projects.

8 Feb 2017

Challenge 280 - For a special moment

Morning and hello! Hope your week has been great so far. Winter is back again and there has even been a little snow coming down from the sky the last few days. Not much but enough to make it feel a little lighter outside, but even me who loves the dark winter is looking forward to some sun now. But until we get there we will work on this week's theme which is set to

For a special moment
Make a card for a birthday, Christmas, new home, new baby. 
A card to celebrate something big in your life...

Please do check our rules before entering your card. They are just a few and very simple. 

Our lucky winner from our last challenge is picked by Mr Random. 
And the winner of the week is 

Number  6, Pat

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2017-02-07 21:10:00 UTC


Congrats, you have won three digis of your choise. Use the contact tab above to get in touch with the Paper Shelter and Veronica will help sort out your winnings. In the subject line please write "Winner TPS Challenge 279 ". You have until Saturday during the current challenge to claim your prize.

As always we have a gift voucher up worth $30 when you play with the Paper Shelter brand. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning 3 digis of your choice.

As always the teamies come up with the most amazing things for us to take inspiration from. This time we cover everything from brithdays to valentines and new babies. Isn't it fabby? After all these years I never miss out on the chance to be amazed when I see what both parts of the TPS team comes up with it's just smashing. I love how it all looks and what all the different styles shows. Always plenty of nice details to look at and maybe get into your own creation.

As always, please do visit the teamies and leave them some love. Just as you they love getting feed back on their creations.

Love n hugs
Marie and the team

Marie using Best Bro Ever

Amy  using Valentina
Special occasion is Valentine's Day

Colette using Magical Light (without the light)

(Valentine's Day)

Audrey using The Bride

1 Feb 2017

Challenge #279 - Winter

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers, can you believe we are already starting a new month and in less that 13 days it will be Valentines day I hope you are already thinking of creating that special card for that loved one. Anyway here at The Paper Shelter Challenge Blogspot we are asking you to create a card this week with the theme of "Winter" now this can be a scene or sport or something that means "Winter" to you, we leave the choice up to you.
I would like to say a very big thank you to all of you who are now using our images regularly on your cards they really do give us such happiness to see your interpretation of them and I know that Veronica is thrilled to see them to, so do keep it up because a lot more of you are winning the big prize these days and as you know they are offering a fabulous prize of $30.00 to spend on their website The Paper Shelter

and believe me when I tell you they have such a fabulous selection of not only Images, but Papers and Printable's to choose from, also they often have special offers too especially their latest images which are often sold at a reduced price. But even if you have not used one of their products on your card they will still give you 3 digi's of your own choice, so you really cannot loose can you? But Please be aware that you are only allowed to enter 3 cards in this Challenge and one of these must carry one of our products. 
Do you know I almost did it again, I nearly forgot to let you know who won last weeks "Go Digital" Challenge set by Marie and that lucky person chosen by Random Org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2017-01-31 20:42:08 GMT
Congratulations Aurora and well done, we now have a quicker way for you
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the
top of the Blog where you will find a form that you can add your choice of 3 digi's
please can you also add you email address and Challenge #278 in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.

 That was a near miss, anyway I hope you enjoy seeing how the Design Team created their cards this week, they may make you feel cold but hopefully very warm inside as they are just stunning Im so lucky to have such a brilliant set of talented girls and I want to thank them for all their hard work.

                                                                   Using Holy Night


As you can see the Design Team have used lots of different images to create the their cards for this weeks Challenge "Winter" so we look forward to seeing your projects and cards and I hope the girls have inspired you to give the theme a go.

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