22 Dec 2017

Winners of the 2017 Blog Hop

I must apologise for taking longer than I expected to publish this list but I had to wait for all the Design Team members to get back to me with their own comment winners.
I will give you the list of winner in just a moment but first I will give you instructions as to how  you can claim your prize.

You can firstly pick an Image from The Paper Shelter website so here is the link for you to browse and then you need to go to

And then at  the top of the Challenge blog is a bar with several boxes on it and the last one along is the "Contact" box and its this one that you will need to click on and this will bring up a page for you to fill up with your choice of image or images if you've won more than one, you will also need to make sure you give your

1. Name:
2. Email Address/Blog Address
3. Your choice of Image
4. And please Can you also Put that you are a
Blog Hop Winner.

I have emailed Veronica with a full list of all the winners and she will check that you are a winner and will get back to you as soon as she is able to do so, but as she is in Argentina and maybe you are anywhere else in the world it might take a little time to sort out your request but you will get your image as soon as she is able to send it to you.

And now Congratulations to all the Following People:

Shirley :-  Carmen Aurora - https://manualidadescalola.blogspot.co.uk/
Anna :- Kathleen Adams - https://crazyforpaper.com/
Suzie:- Stacey Sly Scrapper
Nikki S:- Luvs2Paint and Create
Natalie :- Crafty http://draper50.blogspot.co.uk
Julie :-Nancee https://nanceecrafttime.blog/
Patsy Sue :-Kathy A https://myasperations.blogspot.com/
Lilibet :-linda McEnery
Lena :- Carmen Aurora
Amy :-Tracy M-https://tracyscraftyadventures.blogspot.com/
Audrey :- donna.mcmillan22@googlemail.com http://kraftyscot.blogspot.com/
Bettina :-  Angie Jones
Patsy L :-Catherine Scrap
Vannessa:- Make Your Life Colourful (Heidi) - http://www.makeyourlifecolourful.com/
Natascha : Maryann Laursen - http://mycraftbarn.blogspot.de/
Sabrina :- Donna http://kraftyscot.blogspot.co.uk/-
Marie : Kathy A https://myasperations.blogspot.se/
Challenge Blog :- Gina - http://daydreambeliever-gina.blogspot.co.uk/

Please can you make sure your request for your free image as soon as you are able so that Veronica can start to sort it out before the Christmas Break.
Also if you have been in touch with The Paper Shelter and expecting a reply, make sure its not gone into your Spam Folder as this happens sometimes.
Thank you everyone who took part in this Blog Hop and I hope if you didn't win this year you will come back again in a years time and take part when we host another. Happy Christmas to you All and a Happy New Year to from us all here at The Paper Shelter. 

20 Dec 2017

Christmas Break Challenge - Anything Goes

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed taking part in our Blog Hop as much as we did and I will be back very soon with the winners of each of the Free Images that were picked from the comments left on each of the Design Teams Blogs plus the one from the Challenge Blog so do come back later and check to see if you were one of those lucky people.
And now for our very last Challenge for 2017 it will be held over 3 weeks and as you can see its one of the most popular themes

Anything Goes

and to give all the Design Team members a break from commenting we will not be commenting on your entries and I'm sure that you will understand this as quite a lot of the girls wish to spend time with their families and friends and we want to give them time off to do so.
But before I do show you their cards I know you will want to know who the person was who won the

Birthday / Celebrations

Challenge was, and that lucky person picked by Random Org was:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2017-12-19 20:09:16GMT

Congratulations Linda and well done. We now have a quicker way for you
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the top of the Blog where you will find a form that you can add your choice of  30$ worth of digi images.
Please also add you email address and Birthday Blog Hop Challenge  in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.

And I'm thrilled to announce that Linda has used one of our Images 

As always our sponsors for this Challenge are The Paper Shelter and they are offering a really fabulous prize of $30 to spend at theiStore.

I know that you have heard this before, but this will only be given if you have used one of our products on your card which could be either an Image, Paper or Printable. However, even if you haven't used an item from The Paper Shelter and you are picked as a winner you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice so I'm sure you will agree that its still worth taking part in our Challenges. So many more of you are actually using The Paper Shelter items in your creations so a lot more winners are now winning the whole $30 to spend.  You can enter up to three projects but one of these must carry one of our products please, its only 

And to finish this year both the Design Teams have come together to give this year a very special send off and we want to wish everyone of you who has taken part in any of our Challenges or bought one of our stunning Images, Papers or Printable a very special Thank You from not only the girls but also Veronica and Pedro for making them feel loved and appreciated for all their hard work in not only creating them for you, but also for your loving and enjoying using them, and lastly we want wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and hopefully a equally fabulous New Year.
And now I want to show you the stunning and beautiful Cards the Girls have created.

Card Created By: Patty Sue 2



Using Snowflakes colored Stamp


Using Flight Plan

Dont forget if there is a particular image you wish to purchase to use you can always click on the Using link above each of these cards and it will take you directly to the page on The Paper Shelter website.
I'm sure that you like me have enjoyed seeing these beautiful and stunning cards the girls have created for your inspiration so I want to thank them all for all their hard work and to wish them all a very Happy Christmas and a well deserved break and time to spend with their families, don't forget this is a three week Challenge and we will be back with a brand new Challenge on January 10th, and we hope you enjoy taking part in this our last Challenge of 2017 which is a "Anything Goes" one.

Please enter your card or project below

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

6 Dec 2017

The Paper Shelters 7th Birthday Blog Hop

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers, well this weeks Challenge is a very special one as The Paper Shelter has now reached its 7th Birthday and each year as a special treat we invite

everyone to celebrate with us, The Paper Shelter and both the Design Team A&B are not only hosting our usual Challenge which will follow the theme

Birthday / Celebrations

You don't have to take part in the bloghop to join the challenge.

(the theme is to combine not only Birthdays but also Special Occasions like a Christmas Card to someone special in your life) but also to invite you to join in on our Blog Hop which will take place over two weeks, though its not compulsory for you to actually take part in the Blog Hop if you would prefer not to, but if you wish to stand a chance of winning one of the free images we are giving away you will need to so, this is our way of thanking you all and this can be achieved by leaving a comment on each of the Design Teams blogs but you know what they say "You need to be in it to win it" the choice is yours.
But I must not get ahead of myself as Im sure you will want to know who won our last weeks "Add three different Embellishments" and the lucky person chosen by Random Org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2017-12-05 20:04:02 UTC

Congratulations Alison and well done. We now have a quicker way for you
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the top of the Blog where you will find a form that you can add your choice of  3 digi images.
Please also add you email address and Challenge #320 in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.
As always our sponsors for this Challenge are The Paper Shelter and they are offering a really fabulous prize of $30 to spend at their store 

I know that you have heard this before, but this will only be given if you have used one of our products on your card which could be either an Image, Paper or Printable. However, even if you haven't used an item from The Paper Shelter and you are picked as a winner you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice so I'm sure you will agree that its still worth taking part in our Challenges. So many more of you are actually using The Paper Shelter items in your creations so a lot more winners are now winning the whole $30 to spend.  You can enter up to three projects but one of these must carry one of our products please, its only

This part of the post is slightly different than usual as we will only be showing Marie's (B Team Leader) and my own Cards here and to see the rest of the Design Teams Cards you will need to take part in the Blog Hop itself, but as Ive already explained its not compulsory to do so but you do stand a better chance of winning one of our gorgeous images as each of the blog stops will be giving One Image away after the Hop has finished. And we have 18 images to give and this is done by each of the blogs picking their winner from their comments left for their cards. And believe me you will be missing some really stunning cards if you don't take part.
To help you along the way I will list all the blogs in order below my own card so that if you find that when you get to the next person on the Hop and the Blog is missing you can return to the Challenge Blog here and then restart by picking up the next stop on your way.  
But before I do that I want to thank everyone who has taken part in our Challenges over not only the last year but also in the past and for making The Paper Shelter such a great success, and a Big Thank You also to both The Design Teams for working with me and creating such stunning cards and especially Marie who has worked with me for the last 7 years as well, and a very Special Thank You to Veronica and Pedro for all their hard work in creating the images we have the Joy to receive and Play with. 
And now is the Time to set the Blog Hop in motion, have fun and enjoy visiting the Design Teams and I'm sure you to will be blown away by their stunning Cards:-

Using Emily

Patty Sue's link is now working, she has mobility problems at the moment and has to rely on family members to help her. Thank you for being so patient.
 I sincerely hope that you enjoy our Blog Hop and I wish you good luck in winning one of the Images that are on offer to you, and we have one last one to give away and that's here on the Challenge Blog, this will be picked from the comments left on here which I hope you will leave once you have taken part in the Blog Hop, I do hope that you will come back and do so and Thank you all for taking part. I will be back after the Hop is over to give the list of all the Image winners so don't forget to return then.

You don't have to take part in the bloghop to join the challenge. 

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