3 Apr 2019

Challenge #377 - Easter Time

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers do you know its not long now before its

Easter Time

so this weeks that's our theme for you, it gives you a chance to get those cards done and into the post in time for your little ones or friends to receive them in plenty of time for Easter.
To start this post of I know the most important thing to let you know is who won our last weeks "Its a Spring Thing" Challenge was, and the lucky person chosen by Random Org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2019-04-02 20:21:53GMT

Congratulations Cathy and well done. We now have an even quicker way for you
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the top of the Blog where you will find a form that you can add your choice of 3 digi Images.
Please also add you email address and Challenge #376 in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.

As always our sponsors for this Challenge are The Paper Shelter and they are offering a really fabulous prize of $30 to spend at their store.

I know that you have heard this before, but this will only be given if you have used one of our products on your card which could be either an Image, Paper or Printable. However, even if you haven't used an item from The Paper Shelter and you are picked as a winner you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice so I'm sure you will agree that its still worth taking part in our Challenges. So many more of you are actually using The Paper Shelter items in your creations so a lot more winners are now winning the whole $30 to spend.  You can enter up to three projects but one of these must carry one of our products please, its only fair you do so.

Before I show you the Design Teams cards I must tell you that Louise is unable to join us this week as she has sustained a injury which means she was been unable to get into her craft room to create her card due to being in to much pain, I hope you soon recover Louise and hopefully you will join the Team again in 2 weeks time.
Now to get you into the mood for the best Children's time of the year, I know my own great grandsons love Easter due mainly to having a Easter Egg hunt in their gardens, so without further ado here are the stunning cards the girls have made for you.



I love seeing what the girls create for me and this weeks theme really has bought out some brilliant images and cards, don't forget if there is one that you would like to use yourselves click on the "Using" link above each of the cards just below the team members name and it will take you directly to the page on The Paper Shelter Website where you can obtain it.

6 comentarios:

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Tammy said...

Gorgeous inspiration DT!

Fikreta said...

gorgeous inspirations from team!

Cards By MI said...

Fabby lovely cards everyone. Happy to see them all! xxMarie

unionaire said...

تمتع الان مع صيانة يونيون اير بتوفير افضل صيانة كاريير تواصل معهم في اسرع وقت ممكن لطلب الخدمة الان وارسال فريق العمل من خلال صيانة كريازي وتمتع معنا بسرعة الاستجابة وارسال فريق الصيانة اليك فورا .

samsung said...

مجموعه متخصصة من خبراء صيانة سامسونج يمكنك التوالص معهم وفي اسرع وقت ممكن حيث اننا نعمل علي خدمة اكبر عدد ممكن من عملائنا في صيانة فريجيدير وعليك متابعة الخدمة وتلبية احتياجات الكثيرين من عملاء صيانة كلفينيتور وارسال فريق الصيانة اليك وفي اسرع وقت ممكن من خلال صيانة الكتروستار تابع افضل اعمال الصيانة وفي اسرع وقت ممكن .