25 Jan 2011

The Design Team

I'd like to thank everyone that expressed interest in being part of The Paper Shelter Design Team, after much consideration, we have chosen the following people

Cheryl - Team Leader

Congratulations to all of you

24 Jan 2011

The Paper Shelter DT Call

The Paper Shelter is in search of designers to join our new Digital Design Team! We've recently started up a new blog to show new and old releases.

If you love working with digital images and being part of a design team, this DT call is for you! 

The term will be for 6 months, starting on Feb 1st 2011 - July 31st. 2011

- post 3 to 4 projects per month on your blog (preferably once a week) - you must have a blog 
to enter this  DT call
-  submit work to the DT coordinator to share on our blog twice monthly
- participate in all new release digi events and challenge blog when started.
- promote The Paper Shelter on your blog - post badges, etc.

- each DT member will receive all new digital stamps released during their term 
- a 20% discount on earlier Paper Shelter products for the length of their term

If you are interested in applying for The Paper Shelter Digital Design Team
please enter by going to my blog Here

This call is open from today  until Monday January 24th. New team members will be announced on The Paper Shelter blog on Thursday Jan 27th.

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