21 Mar 2018

Challenge #331 - Easter Time

Good Morning Paper Shelter Followers, well I don't know about in your neck of the woods but in mine and I think most of us in the Northern Hemisphere have yet again been attacked by the Beast from the East all I can say is roll on Summer I think the cold has gone on long enough we would like to skip Spring and start getting into the warmer weather.
Anyway this weeks theme is hopefully not to early for you as its only two weeks now to

Easter Time

so the Design Team have been busy creating their Easter cards for their families and I'm hoping this will also been the case for yourselves.
But as always I'm getting ahead of myself and before I go any further I'm sure you will want to know who won last weeks "Hot or Cold Colours" challenge from the B Team and that lucky person chosen by Random Org is:-

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2018-03-20 20:28:33GMT

Congratulations Sandy and well done. And we now have a quicker way for you 
to claim your prize and that is by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the top of the Blog where you will find a form where you can add your choice of  3 digis.
Please also add you email address and Challenge #330 in
the subject line so that it makes it easier for Veronica to see which Challenge 
your claim is for, also you must make sure you claim your prize by Saturday this week.
As always our sponsors for this Challenge are The Paper Shelter and they are offering a really fabulous prize of $30 to spend at their store.  

I know that you have heard this before, but this will only be given if you have used one of our products on your card which could be either an Image, Paper or Printable. However, even if you haven't used an item from The Paper Shelter and you are picked as a winner you will still receive 3 digi images of your own choice so I'm sure you will agree that its still worth taking part in our Challenges. So many more of you are actually using The Paper Shelter items in your creations so a lot more winners are now winning the whole $30 to spend.  You can enter up to three projects but one of these must carry one of our products please, its only fair.

And now for the the beautiful cards my Design Team has created for you and I hope you also will find them as stunning as I have as they work so hard to create them especially when most of them also have a family to look after and cope with all the problems that brings, so thank you Girls I really do appreciate what you do for me and The Paper Shelter in promoting their beautiful images and designs.

                                                                Using Charmy Bunny



Using Charmy Bunny


Im sure that the Girls have given you lots of inspiration to create your own Easter Time Card in fact mine have already winged their way to my grandchildren and great grandchildren so we are all looking forward to seeing what you have done with this theme.

3 comentarios:

Beebeebabs said...

Congrats - very nice work DT

Cards By MI said...

Some really lovely spring/easter cards. Fabby work Ladies!
Love n hugs

Hazel (Didos) said...

Love the DT makes, they are stunning, Hazelx